Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crowdtap: Madagascar Party Review

Madagascar party as very fun, we played games, did the boys faces and ate that yummy cake!!
We all decided we'd take the boys to see it in theaters when it comes out, they absolutely love all the zoo animals, Overall it was awesome.Thanks Crowdtap

Monday, May 28, 2012

Kolcraft Review

Kolcraft has asked me to test there 2 in 1 sesame street walker for my son, I should be receiving it this week. Its a really cute walker from the pictures and it folds up small. I'm very excited to review and do a video on this will update on my pages once I receive it :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Jamberry Nails Review And Giveaway!

Tiffanie Zacher Independent Consultant For Jamberry Nails generously decided to sponsor a giveaway for Mommies & Daddies Together. I personally have used Jamberry nail shields and they work really well!! Plus they come in so many designs, styles and colors. They last 2-3 weeks on fingers and 4-6 weeks on toes, there extemely easy to put on as well. The random winner of this giveaway will win One full sheet set of nail shields!

Instructions to enter giveaway!
1.  "LIKE"
2. Come back to Mommies & Daddies together and post under the photo why you want to win!

We'll Choose A Winner At Random Once The Giveaway Ends!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day!

My first mothers day as an actual mother. . Got to sleep in while Jesse played with cash then when I woke up he gave me beautiful flowers, a card, and a bag of candy :) We went to the store and got sandwiches then went to the park and had a picnic. Then we visited his grandparents and gave his grandma a card as well as some K-cup samples I received in the mail earlier this week. After we got home my mothers day was finished greatly! I won a mothers day giveaway for a pair of diamond earrings and we ordered pizza! This was my first mothers day and an incredible one. I'm so grateful to have my Son and Fiance in my life.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Teething Monster!

Cash is now getting his two front teeth on top, they can be seen through the gums but are not broken through yet. Anyways its made him one cranky baby, throwing toys at daddy crumbling his cookies and spreading them on the carpet. We went to get him Orajel so he could sleep better and they were B1G1 Free and we had a $4 off coupon so we paid $3 for two tubes of orajel! SWEET :) and now after a super LONG day my little man is asleep.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Addicted to Freebies!!

Im absolutely addicted to free samples and free things online! :) I admin a freebie Facebook page called

CrayZ-Bee's Freebies   anyways today in the mail nothing too exciting I got a free quaker oatmeal squares sample and free full size bottle pantene shampoo! Ill post a picture of my last weeks mail! and feel free to "Like" the crayZ bee's FB page if you like free stuff too. Its kind of fun especially as a SAHM. I get little presents in the mail everyday lol

Lazy Days

My day today. Woke up fed Cash, played with him, put him down for a nap. Then smoothie time with my hubby yum! :) Then Cash wakes up and wants to play again he chases us around and carries toys in his mouth like a puppy. Today was an extremely lazy day! Did nothing productive.